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VEB 42 | لوحة الاستدعاء في حالات الطوارئ

The Emergency Paging Panel is rack mount unit providing emergency responders/firemen personnel to conduct evacuation in any given project. Each Emergency Paging Panel comes with a handheld microphone and user friendly robust zone selection buttons. The Emergency Paging Panel complies with evacuation safety standards with its entire connection path to critical equipment in the system fully monitored. The Emergency Paging Panel will primarily communicate with the entire system via the LAN, however in the event of a failure of the LAN infrastructure, the system will revert to an analogue failsafe mode and still allow paging throughout the system. The Emergency Paging Panel comes with 24 zones selection button, should more zone selection button be required the unit can be cascaded with the VEB 42-EM Emergency Paging Extension Panel.
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أعلى صليب لينكد إن الفيس بوك بينتكت يوتيوب rss تويتر إنستقرام فيسبوك-فارغ آر إس إس إس-بانك لينكد إن-بانك بينتكت يوتيوب تويتر إنستقرام